Saturday, March 21, 2009

cycling into the outback

Sun 15th March. Wow cycling along only 5 kms out of Port Augusta and the trees have turned to shrubs, the dirt has changed froam a soft fawn to a deep red and the clouds hang from teh sky as if suspended by strings. A wedge tailed eagle crosses our path, soaring in such a controled and graceful manner. Endless blue sky contrasting with the orange/red earth, Mel cycling just ahead and emus in the bush... does life get any better than this?
Camp 1 consists of commando like sprints from tree to tree ensuring no passing vehicles see where we'll be camping... hilarious!
Next day 6 am rise... nope 6:30... nope 7am, finally brekky done bikes packed and we're on teh road aagain. Coffee supplied by some lovely Brittish tourists in a camper van... thanks guys :). Pushing on the scenery changes again, endless sky, endless horizon, no trees... eeeekkkk! Focus on getting to the next rest place. 85kms and the road barely changes. 8kms to Pimba Awesome! What a place... everyone must visit Spuds Roadhouse!! Bed, Beer and plenty of awesome folk to meet. Generosity so far has been overwhelming, Ryan, Dave and Troy you guys rock!!:) Bruce and crew, words can not even begin to describe how amazing your hospitality was! Time of my life. Your food parcels saved us... literally. Breakfast, so special (I have not eaten meat in over 10 years, let alone a T. Bone steak, t'was soooooo good!) Again thank you so much... keep in touch yeah! Well onto to Glendambo.... wooooooooooooooooooo xx Be

1 comment:

  1. hi girls,
    what a great detailed account off your bike ride,it beats going in a car as you just see so much more,and meet so many kind people on your way.belinda sent it on to lorinda so she can enjoy are so much like your mother to look at even lorinda even said that.
    take care and hope you can find plenty of tree to ease the pain as well as fertilize.
    bye snooks and jack xx
