Wednesday, May 6, 2009

we've been to barrow creek!

I love and hate the 4am starts. I hate getting up, particularly now that the mornings are cold. I love the silence with which we ride in the darkness. Both Mel and I pedal along in our own world. It's always the same, side by side, few words, thoughts a plenty. Then as per usual the sun performs her amazing act - rising from the horizon and running the sky through a series of colours. This morning cloud cover reflects and disperses the firey red while thin patches in the clouds luminate with the deepest yellow. Realising too late that I wanted to stop and take it all in, my heart sinks and we pedal on.
A big day for us 90kms to barrow creek - awesome little pub held together by the foreign currency pinned to the walls. Art offered to us by a local lady... beautiful, Mel and I can't resist and we buy 2.
Michael, who has worked in the area for over 4 years serves us from behind the bar. His shift ends and it's story time for us, we are taken through the history of both the town and himself - complete with photos.
The day is growing old and decisions once again need to be made. So it is with reluctance (again) that we pedal off towards the northern horizon. 7pm amd heavy cloud cover speeds up the arrival of darkness, pretty soon I can hardly see the road in front of my tyres. 50kms to rest area... go go go
Be xx

1 comment:

  1. hi girls
    what an adventure pity it will soon come to an end but what stories to be told and great memories to have of your ride.belinda i think you had better get a kangaroo jumping bike next time.jack and snooks . bye take care
